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Project Secured – Normandy Way Primary School

Normandy Way Primary School Wilmot Dixon has been appointed the Main Contractor from Leicester City Council. The project is to build a 210-place primary school for children aged 4

12th April 2023|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, News|

Project Secured – Woodlands Meed College, Sussex

Woodlands Meed College, Sussex West Sussex Council has appointed ISG the main contractor to rebuild Woodland Meed College.  The redevelopment is to provide a two storey special

28th March 2023|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, News|

Project Secured – The Mall, Walthamstow

The Mall, Walthamstow The Mall development in Walthamstow consist of 495 residential apartments, these will be split into 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. The ground floor will

27th March 2023|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, News|

Project Secured – St Lawrence School, Horncastle

St Lawrence School, Horncastle Our Category A Supply Chain Partner Wilmott Dixon was appointed the main contractor to build a new special needs school which will include a

28th February 2023|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, Education, News, Supply Chain|

Project Secured – Murray Library, University of Sunderland

Murray Library, University of Sunderland We are happy to confirm we have won a contract to Manufacture and Supply the Internal Doorsets for the Murray Library in Sunderland

23rd February 2023|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, News|

Project Secured – Butterbiggins Road, Phase 2, Glasgow

Butterbiggins Road, Phase 2, Glasgow Located in Glasgow, Butterbiggins Road, formally known as the old Larkfield Bus Depot is a new-build development of 186 new homes for mid-market

24th January 2023|Architecture, Buildings, Construction, News|

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